Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Misconception: You must be an introverted intellectual type

The Incredible Librarian
In 1985 American psychologist John Holland further developed his occupational themes theory, asserting that there are 6 personality types which influence a person’s tendency to suit certain jobs.

According to Holland’s premise, those predisposed to Librarianship roles tend to beSocial, Artistic & Investigative” .

Holland states that socially inclined people are: "Kind, generous, cooperative, patient, caring, helpful, empathetic, tactful, and friendly. They excel at socializing, helping others, and teaching”.
They also like tasks that involve teamwork, social interaction, relationship building, and improvement of society”.

Does this sound like you?

You can find out more here and here.

Library Work Misconceptions: My job is easy, you don’t need any qualifications

Library employees are professional, there are three traditional levels within the library workforce hierarchy:

1. Librarian/Teacher Librarian   2. Library Technician   3. Library Assistant

Librarians and Teacher Librarians generally manage a library and/or a significant aspect of service delivery and are university trained.  Most act in supervisory roles and are responsible for strategic planning. Librarians require an Australian equivalent bachelor's degree.

Teacher Librarians require recognised teaching qualifications (typically a four-year teaching qualification e.g. Bachelor of Education) proceeded by qualifications in librarianship.

Libraries are for everyone

Library Technicians work under the direction of a librarian and concentrate on the “operational and technical aspects of library and information.”  Library Technicians need the equivalent of a two-year full time (Tafe) Diploma in Library and Information Studies.

Library Assistants as the name implies, assist Librarians and Technicians in service provision and in implementing procedures.  Unlike senior colleagues, Assistants do not need formal qualifications as a condition of employment but are encouraged to complete a (12 month) Tafe Certificate III in Library & Information Studies.  There is a strong focus on customer service in this role.

You can find out more about qualifications from ALIA the Australian Library and Informatin Association.

Travel while you work? Come & Join Us....

Libraries are "Where the wild Things Are" and where we will take you for an adventure of a life time!  If you are thinking of working in a library or even thinking about your next career move Libraries could be the answer.

Visit your local Library or take a look at our blog to find out all you wanted to know about working in a library environment....you'll never look back!!

London, Buenos Aires, New York, Toyko, Helsinki, Jakarta, Paris. Libraries are everywhere.

If you choose to work overseas there are industry groups and assoications to help you get there.